This time people I'm going to review a popular FMCG product.
Unlike, our usual stuff is generally reviewing what is very popular and known yet with a huge segment of the world out there who are not familiar with it. This review is a special one for one the most loved Mass Production Chips Brand by myself.
So, guess what we have two new flavors that have recently come out. Yay!!
The other one is : Sizzling Barbeque.
Now, except the Taste , I honestly find the shape of these chips odd and not cool at all. For one, I'm so used to the shape that my body cannot digest how Lays can look anything different from what I've been used to. So, if the guys from Lays are reading this in business jargins - I hope you know that the calculated risks you have taken up are backed by statistical data and strategic distribution. Bringing anything new in the market is like standing on the hinge of a see -saw. And you people have done a double dip.
Obviously, your intention is to introduce a new parallel series called the " Maxx " series , But guys, these flavors aren't new in the market. Why will people go for it? The MAcho chilli tastes so similar to your Tomato flavor.
If you are so keen in introducing new options. Then, invent new flavors.
Do the Dew - Darr ke aage jeet hai !!
Lastly, Why the F*** are you playing with the Pricing structure. What's so special in these packs that's not there in the rest for which you think the people are going to pay you Rs 5 extra.
If this pricing is Only for the trial period, then all the more reason why it'll fail coz the people expect the pricing to be welcoming i.e. lesser than standard , for them to opt for your newbies than what they are already fond of.
With this I end this review!!!!!
Maxx Macho Chilli
Unlike, our usual stuff is generally reviewing what is very popular and known yet with a huge segment of the world out there who are not familiar with it. This review is a special one for one the most loved Mass Production Chips Brand by myself.
So, guess what we have two new flavors that have recently come out. Yay!!
The other one is : Sizzling Barbeque.
Maxx Sizzling Barbeque
Now, except the Taste , I honestly find the shape of these chips odd and not cool at all. For one, I'm so used to the shape that my body cannot digest how Lays can look anything different from what I've been used to. So, if the guys from Lays are reading this in business jargins - I hope you know that the calculated risks you have taken up are backed by statistical data and strategic distribution. Bringing anything new in the market is like standing on the hinge of a see -saw. And you people have done a double dip.
Obviously, your intention is to introduce a new parallel series called the " Maxx " series , But guys, these flavors aren't new in the market. Why will people go for it? The MAcho chilli tastes so similar to your Tomato flavor.
If you are so keen in introducing new options. Then, invent new flavors.
Do the Dew - Darr ke aage jeet hai !!
Lastly, Why the F*** are you playing with the Pricing structure. What's so special in these packs that's not there in the rest for which you think the people are going to pay you Rs 5 extra.
If this pricing is Only for the trial period, then all the more reason why it'll fail coz the people expect the pricing to be welcoming i.e. lesser than standard , for them to opt for your newbies than what they are already fond of.
With this I end this review!!!!!